I'd like to make a comment about the first question too. We have to realize that when we're speaking about Christian refugees, we're talking about more than 20% of the Iraqi refugees, more than 400,000 people. Just resettling refugees in Canada will definitely not solve the problem. That's one thing we can do, but that's why we stressed the other things Canada should be doing to help prevent the refugee problem. We will not be able to bring four million people to Canada.
In terms of women, Christian women--and I'm sure the same applies to Mandaean women and other minorities--are very much targeted. We know that in war zones women and children are usually the first targets, but when you are an ethnic and a religious minority, the discrimination is doubled and quadrupled against you.
For instance, we know, from my correspondences with the ChaldoAssyrian Student and Youth Union of Iraq, that a few years ago they were given leaflets at one of the universities--University of Mosul , to be specific--where they were asked to wear the hijab; if not, don't bother coming to school. This was done extensively. There are thousands of women who go to school, so a lot of them stopped going. We know some of them had acid thrown on their faces for coming without covering up or wearing the hijab--the Islamic dress--so there are a lot of things like that.
Even the international community is not really taking the role of women strongly. For instance, when I was in Iraq, in the Nineveh Plains, I visited some of the Assyrian women's union centres, and we see that even the aid they're given does not address their situation very much or help them really empower themselves. In one centre I visited, they were given exercise machines and blow-dryers to teach them, I don't know, how to style their hair and cut their hair. I'm not sure how that's significant in the situation they're facing right now. They don't even have enough food, they have no protection, and you're giving them exercise equipment?