Yes? That's pretty straightforward.
I just want to say one other thing. Thank you for bringing those heart-breaking, beautiful cards. It is really quite amazing.
Let me see whether I can clarify, then. Under H and C grounds for refugees, you would not be able to sponsor someone who has been excluded. In the past you could do so on H and C grounds, and now you cannot. That's a problem with Bill C-50.
The second one that I've heard, other than the wait times, is that if an employer wants to sponsor someone to bring them here to work, if it's turned down at visa, they have the right to appeal to the Federal Court. But not any more, because the regulations are now going to be changed, if Bill C-50 goes through, from saying the visa “shall” be given out if all criteria are met to the visa “may” be given out. So there's no appeal to the Federal Court.
Am I correct in those two assumptions? I see two lawyers here.