Thank you. We are definitely always pressed for time.
We did a tour of the western provinces before coming here. The situation of temporary workers as it was described to us was quite dramatic, and, as I mentioned, it didn't seem to me to be as dramatic in Quebec. The explanation I was given was that the rate of union membership in Quebec was much higher than in the other provinces. That explained why there were generally fewer cases of abuse and exploitation. You're showing us that there can nevertheless be some. You're talking about an improvement that could be made to the Quebec Labour Code in order to promote unionization. I think that's a good idea.
Ms. Vaugrante and Ms. Filion, you recommended that Canada sign the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers. In what way could that signing reassure you as to workers' rights? You know that Canada signed the Kyoto Protocol, and we don't concern ourselves very much with that. Can that produce better results?