Who speak French or who are francophiles. That's among the major criteria. Quebec long resisted the temptation to use to temporary workers. We had a high unemployment rate and we thought that, by making the necessary efforts, we would manage to find unemployed workers to do the work. We had our own Mexicans, of course.
It's really in the past few years that we've realized that temporary workers could be a solution. I would say that's related, in particular, to the fact that, rightly or wrongly—and I'm not making any judgments here—the immigrant recruitment procedures are quite slow. Unlike the Ontarians, who for years brought in tens of thousands of workers, we resisted that trend. We proceeded very gradually.
Furthermore, in highly skilled sectors such as data processing, among other things, labour needs were felt, and it was quite easy to show that personnel could not be recruited quickly here. We began to consider the possibility of a better match with labour market needs.
We are now at another stage, but I don't think the situations can be compared. However, I wanted to express a wish—