On the other thing you mentioned, I tend to think that our system for awarding points is quite elitist. I agree with you that truck driving is a very necessary occupation. But to the extent that we can get somebody with great computer skills come in, I think it also has to be recognized that we need services for them, because these people are going to occupy houses and they're going to need transportation. But somehow that seems to be lost in terms of the way the points system is now set up. This is a story that we hear right across the country.
I totally agree with you that, at the minimum, we should make sure that when they come with their families, they're fully integrated from day one, instead of almost putting them in quarantine, if you will, with the inability of spouses and kids to work immediately, and their not having English or French as a second language. This doesn't make any sense, and it's very counterproductive. If you want people to integrate, they should be integrated quickly.