Let me cite something that was said in the Winnipeg Free Press:
What the Conservatives propose is common sense...This is good policy...For the Liberals to exploit this, however, not only ignores the national need for the party's own political advantage, but also ignores the ugly truth that it was the Liberals who created this problem. In the years 1993-2006, the immigration backlog grew from 50,000 to 800,000.
There is a problem. It needs to be addressed, and we're addressing it—not in a long-term way but on an immediate basis.
The Vancouver Province editorial said:
But it makes no sense—and is unfair to applicants—to go on adding names to a waiting list that just grows longer and longer.
There are going to be 1.5 million people. It's unmanageable.
Under the new legislative proposals, the immigration minister will be able to speed up immigration procedures, both in cases of family reunion and to get needed workers into the country.