Absolutely, and in fact when the instruction issues, and that will happen after some time in consultation, those who apply the instructions must apply them in an objective way that meets the charter and all of its requirements. So there are some built-in provisions that safeguard some of the issues you raise.
Finally, the legislation itself indicates that these measures or instructions must support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada, so the government establishes some goals in its policy consideration. They have to decide, in weighing all of the issues, the policy they want and then it must be applied in accordance with Bill C-50. I think that what we find is clear: immigrant or newcomer intake is in the amount of 235,000 to 265,000, but the numbers that apply are far greater than that.
So what we have if we do nothing is a system that continues to grow, as we have now, whereas the honourable member said that people start to die in the process before their application gets received. And if you want to stay competitive with other countries, something needs to happen. Bill C-50 indicates that there can be establishing of categories and selection within the category, and the indication has been, within the economic class, to ensure that those who are needed with respect to the economy are those who will be processed, and processed on a quick basis without interfering with refugees or the family class itself.
So it's important to appreciate the context within which Bill C-50 arises. It's in the context of a system that's burgeoning with a backlog that's not moving anywhere. And it's fair to say we have the tools now, and why have they not been used? Why has it taken a decade without any action? Because nobody grabbed the bull by the horns to wrestle the problem down.