I will table it for the benefit of the member. I will read it, if he would just stop interrupting so I can do that in my time.
The president of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, Thomas S. Saras said:
...the government should be applauded for their efforts to communicate the intent of this legislation through public notices in the ethnic press and media.
... The NEPMCC strongly believes that advertising in non-official language mediums is essential in a multicultural society as part of our democratic institutions and at the same time cost effective.
... The majority of new Canadians and members of the ethnic communities rely on the ethnic press as their primary source of news and information. Advertising important legislative amendments that will have direct impact on our communities is the right thing to do.
There has been a lot of misinformation, and this was a good opportunity to put some real information.
Another misconception has been whether or not there will be any consultation with respect to the instructions. What many people don't know is that this bill does not contain the instructions; the instructions will come at a later date. Do you intend, indeed, to have consultations, and what might they be?