Let's proceed with our second motion.
I think we will leave the second motion alone, will we not? Mr. Karygiannis is not here to present his motion.
The next motion and the one after that and the one after that will be just held. Does anybody have any idea of Mr. Karygiannis' presence or absence today?
We will go to Mr. St-Cyr.
Mr. St-Cyr has indicated that he is going to further postpone his motion.
So we will go to Mr. Telegdi's motion:
That, when the House returns from the summer adjournment, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee study the government's system for determining if applicants under the provision for the federal skilled worker class will be able to become economically established in Canada, and that, as part of the study, the Committee travel to Australia and New Zealand to examine the analogous systems in those countries.
Mr. Telegdi, please.