Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I thank you, Mr. Linklater and Ms. Aucoin, for appearing before our committee today. We appreciate your bringing your expertise on immigration and refugee policy to this committee.
Mr. Linklater, you spoke in your remarks about the need for fair and consistent application of our immigration and refugee policies. Frankly, I think this goes beyond a need. We in government should always strive for fairness, prudence, and consistency in our policies.
Canada's refugee system is among the most highly regarded and respected in the world. We care about maintaining the integrity of our system through due process, fairness, and consistency. We believe in these things and we're committed to them.
I don't think Canadians support creating a special loophole for a small group of people who are running from their voluntary--and I highlight “voluntary”--commitments and who our own independent expert in judicial systems has said are not legitimate refugees. These people don't fall under internationally accepted definitions of people in need of protection. Creating a special class or loophole for them is not fair. It's not fair to real refugees who face persecution and the threat of torture and death. It's not fair to people who are truly in need of protection and who are in desperate situations. It's not fair to people who have been in camps for over a decade.
We've helped out the Karen refugees and refugees from Bhutan. We're working with the UN--