Thank you.
I have a couple of things to say. First of all, when we listened to the IRB, I knew they were wrong about draft dodgers during the Vietnam War. If they had been right then, we wouldn't have had safe houses and RCMP officers in our parking lots looking to catch draft dodgers as they came from these safe houses after spending a couple of nights there before being rushed off to God only knows where. We didn't know these kids' names and we didn't know where they were going to end up, because it was no different at the time. They weren't allowed to come in as visitors and to apply, with everybody living happily ever after.
The one question I have.... There was nobody more opposed in this country than I was to the war in Iraq; I was Baghdad Beaumier. The Reform Party wanted to know why I didn't stay to be Saddam Hussein's mistress. It was pretty ugly. Well, he didn't ask me! So I have very, very strong feelings about this.
I would like to hear from both of you. We are at war. I don't think our war is any more justified than any other right now; I think there are other ways of dealing with these issues. I want somebody to differentiate between conscientious objectors to the war in Iraq and our soldiers coming home and saying they're conscientious objectors.
How do we deal with that?