If I could answer that, I think deserters are deserving of assistance. That doesn't mean I think that others aren't also deserving of assistance. Canada is a large country, and if we're talking about 50 or 100 people, I doubt very much whether there is a zero-sum game, where if we bring in Iraqis who are suffering from the effects of the U.S. invasion, therefore American deserters who are also opposed to the invasion.... In my view, it's not a zero-sum game.
What we should be doing is looking at whether it is deserved—as I believe it is—that there be some accommodation made. If it is deserved, that should be the end of the story. We shouldn't look around the world and say, “They're only getting two years in custody, and if they were in the Soviet Union they would be getting 12, so let's not worry about it.” I don't think that's the appropriate way to think about the question.