No, according to the clock, I could allow you 60 seconds more, but thank you.
I want to thank members and witnesses for coming today to be part of this study that we're undertaking, and hopefully we'll be able to make some good recommendations to the ministers when we've heard the various witnesses who will be coming in to talk to us.
Thank you. I wish we had more time, because I'm sure people wanted to get on who didn't, and I apologize for that, but that's all we can do.
Thank you very much.
We will allow a moment for the witnesses to leave the table.
We are going to the motions. You all have the motion before you by Mr. Karygiannis, which was circulated to the committee some time ago, and which is scheduled today for discussion.
There are a couple of changes in that motion Mr. Karygiannis is putting forth, and if you have the motion in front of you, what he's saying here is:
The committee recommends that the government immediately implement a program to allow conscientious objectors and their immediate family members (partners and dependents), who have refused or left military service related to the war in Iraq....