The Supreme Court dismissed the application for leave to appeal on November 15, 2007. As the Supreme Court of Canada has declined to hear Mr. Hinzman and Mr. Hughey's appeal, this means that the Federal Court of Appeal's decision stands, as does the decision of the IRB.
In its decision, the Federal Court of Appeal stated that it saw no reason to depart from the conclusions of the board and that the appellants were not entitled to refugee status.
Mr. Chair, I should note that recent reports about these cases have compared them to those involving so-called “draft dodgers” who travelled to Canada during the Vietnam War. It is worth noting, however, that the individuals coming from the U.S. now are volunteers in the United States armed forces or reserve forces. These individuals were not the subject of military conscription, as was the case for many of those who came to Canada during the Vietnam War.
While it would be inappropriate for me to comment more on these specific cases, I will say that Canada has a fair, internationally recognized system for providing refugee status for those fleeing persecution in their home country.
Under IRPA, failed claimants may request, prior to removal, a pre-removal risk assessment, or PRRA. This is to assess, after an IRB decision, any new evidence that might arise concerning risks to refugee claimants.
A PRRA would evaluate whether a person would face risk of persecution or torture, risk to life, or risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment if the claimant was returned to their country of origin.
Mr. Chair, foreign nationals who wish to apply for permanent residence from within Canada may do so as a member of one of the in-Canada classes. These classes include spouses or common-Iaw partners in Canada, live-in caregivers, permit holders, and protected persons.
In addition, Mr. Chair, failed refugee claimants or other foreign nationals in Canada who do not satisfy the criteria of any of the in-Canada immigrant categories may apply for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
The purpose of the humanitarian and compassionate provision is to provide the flexibility to approve exceptional and compelling cases not anticipated in the legislation.
This is a tool intended to uphold Canada's humanitarian tradition. Under it, each case is assessed on its own merits, taking into consideration several factors: the individual's establishment and family ties to Canada, for example; the best interests of any children involved; risk upon return; the hardship of having to apply for permanent residence from abroad, as well as any other issues raised by the applicant.
Mr. Chair, CIC is aware that this committee has tabled a motion calling on the government to immediately implement an in-Canada program to allow these individuals to apply to remain and work in Canada and be eligible for permanent resident status. However, this motion runs counter to having an immigration policy that is both fair and consistent in its application. By adopting it, the committee would be calling for a unique benefit for some foreign nationals, proposing that they be allowed to apply for permanent residence outside of normal immigration channels.
The Department of Citizenship and Immigration is committed to ensuring that all immigration and refugee claimants have access to the full process outlined by IRPA and that all cases are resolved fairly.
Thank you, Mr. Chair