As you know, the world is now a global village, and Canada is highly regarded on the pinnacle of that village. If we believe that Canada is part of the global village, then no one is a foreigner; we belong in the places where we choose to live and work and which we call our home.
If we believe that Canada is part of the global village, then no one is illegal. There are illegal acts, not illegal people.
If we believe that Canada is part of the global village, then we ought to change our mind-sets and discard the labels we place on those who choose to call this country home too, regardless of the date of arrival.
If we believe the strength of a chain is its weakest link, then we should take time to examine the ways we treat those who help to care for the weakest ones among us: children, seniors, and those with special needs. These weak ones are entrusted in the care of those we label “temporary foreign workers”, men and women from around the world who have chosen to come to this country hoping for the chance of a better life for themselves and their families. We label them “temporary workers”, yet we entrust them with shaping permanence, such as the impressions that they make in the lives of our children. When we treat caregivers with disrespect, then we also disrespect those they care for.
If we believe that the children are the future, then let us show a little respect for those who are helping to raise the future of Canada. Are the children who live in Canada more deserving than the children of the men and women who are raising them? Caregivers are people too. They pay taxes, they abide by the laws, and they have hopes and dreams.
If those of you in authority here want to do the right thing, then I propose a win-win situation. We can offer those who are now on the socio-economic peripheries of Canada the chance to be included in our global village. Those men and women, who travel from around the globe, are living among us. Many of them are caregivers. Some have temporary status; others, for a variety of reasons, have lost status. If they all are offered landed immigrant status, then they will pay landing fees and taxes based on their income. After all, they are working—