Just to wrap up then, I think we're the most generous country in the world by far, and I can give you statistics to show that in terms of the high levels of acceptance of claims. People say that if we don't implement the RAD, we're not being generous enough. We'll still be the most generous country in the world by far.
I'll skip some of the other issues.
One of the things that was raised in the October 8 meeting was whether there's a security concern about the refugee system. I'll be glad to speak to that if any of the members are interested.
What we need is an overall overhaul of the system. The Auditor General of Canada made that very clear in one of her reports, and I don't think you can look at the RAD without looking at the whole system. The whole system is highly dysfunctional in many ways. The decisions are highly inconsistent among the various members. I think we have to look at the question of appointment of board members, how that's done.
I'll wrap it up there, Mr. Chair. I'd be happy to take questions.