I'll go with question one, which is about fees and separating, and I would say that it's an exciting question, but I can't answer it because it's under litigation. So hopefully we can get through the litigation and then we can actually look at that question.
On the issue of medicals and making sure they don't expire, I can tell you that as much as clients, applicants, family, and MPs can be upset at that, no visa officer likes to have to redo the same work on a file, so it's something we very much try to avoid. We used to wait and do medicals just at the end of everything being done. We found that our processing times were terrible because we added the two, three, or four months of the medical. So in many places we've moved to try to do the medicals up front, because maybe 50% of the cases actually move quite quickly and it works. There are always cases where we get into that issue. I think in places like Nairobi, where this is more of a problem, we try to be very careful as to when we request the medical so that we avoid having that.
One of the problems, of course, is if you have tuberculosis, for example, you have to be treated for tuberculosis before you get your medical result. So sometimes by the time the medical result has come, it has an expiry date of a couple of weeks and we can't help ourselves but start the process.
On the $36 million, which year were you...?