It will depend on how the minister decides to handle that. It could be done by giving a list, saying that any of the countries of the European Union are safe, or it could be done by not listing any country, except when you do get a problem, like the Czech Republic, or Mexico, or Brazil, or Turkey. As in the past, we've had to put visas on almost 100 countries because we were being flooded by claimants. It started out with India, as a matter of fact, and we finally had to put a visa on Indian nationals.
In addition to that, we've had to put visas on Brazil, on Turkey, on Portugal, and on many countries when the international smugglers and lawyers found out that anybody could come and started encouraging these people to do so. They would say, look, why wait in the backlog at immigration, where 900,000 people are waiting? Come and make a claim. Why wait? You'll be here for two or three years before your claim is even heard. In the meantime, you're allowed to work or get welfare, with free medical, and when you appear before the board, you get free legal advice.
I mean, the system is designed to pull in people who want to get here. I'm not blaming people for trying, but it's a system that's unworkable unless reform is instituted. I have very serious doubts that this proposal goes far enough.