Thank you.
There's been discussion about whether an arm's-length group could do the designation of safe countries. Certainly we don't want to have this refugee reform process bogged down by partisan consideration, and I don't think the current minister wants that either. If that's the case, then certainly the hiring of the 100-plus officers should be done at arm's length. And if we support the safe countries—I don't myself, but there's been discussion about safe countries designation—then it should be an arm's-length group that recommends.... But so far, I can't come up with--I've been asking around--which human rights groups or organizations, or what kind of people, not only have the qualifications but are willing to put their name on the line to form a group. Or is there any existing group that could say they believe this country is a safe country? Are there any such human beings or such organizations out there?
When I asked Amnesty International that question they sort of gave me a look. They didn't say yes, but I think they were very clear. And neither did the Council for Refugees think there was any possibility.
In your mind, are there organizations out there that could provide clear, objective criteria to help with this, to be the advisory team that would make this designation?