There is also a technical aspect. Within an eight-day timeframe, it is impossible to tell someone's story. The lawyer must understand the context at play here. Sometimes, for us, it is easy to talk about our country of origin, but not everyone is familiar with the situation, the culture or the context in the case, for example, of lesbians. Let us take the example of someone who lives in a Catholic society. It sometimes seems ludicrous to talk about that because here, Catholicism is not really that present. But because of all the prejudice surrounding countries where religion continues to exert great pressure, it is sometimes difficult for the lawyer to understand the context.
Therefore, as Ms. Kouamy stated earlier, eight days is truly an impossible timeframe for one to confide in another and to go through the whole process of choosing a lawyer, establishing a trust relationship, writing and translating the story and then verifying if it is really what the woman wanted to say, because there is always something lost in translation. There is also all of the stress of knowing that eight days to defend one's right to live is really a tall order.