Thank you very much.
I think there are common themes being expressed throughout our hearings. We obviously benefit from them, because they allow committee members to focus on some of the flaws or some of the concerns that exist.
This is a question that I asked individual witnesses who appeared prior to this panel. It speaks to whether this bill has the foundation to move forward. By that, I mean do we have what it takes or at least the framework to improve on the present system?
Secondly, during a time of fiscal restraint—I hoped there would actually be more, but there isn't more, because we seem to be going into a deficit that will have repercussions in the future—is it important for those of us who believe in improving the status quo, as it relates to the refugee determination system and the form, to understand the importance and perhaps gain a greater appreciation of what half a billion dollars in investment in this area would mean during these periods?