With respect to access to pre-removal risk assessment in particular, the transition takes place at one point: when the provision limits access to a pre-removal risk assessment for 12 months after the RAD decision, the person will have had the opportunity to appeal the refugee protection division decision to the RAD. So on those, certainly, the transition is going to be seamless, if you like.
With respect to other limitations that in the legislation, there is a proposal in the coming into force provision of the legislation for the humanitarian and compassionate consideration changes to come into effect on royal assent, given that there are no infrastructure needs that have to be met for that to happen. Whereas the changes to the asylum system will come in later, when all of the infrastructure, the locations, the hiring, and the rules and regulations are in place.
So there is a gap there, but there are transitional provisions that provide the opportunity for those whose claims are rejected during that interim period to have access to agency consideration thereafter. There is also a provision for those whose claims are still pending upon the coming into force of the changes to the asylum system to have access to the current processing.