Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, everyone.
I have a number of questions, but I'm going to start by making two comments on your presentation. I think some points need clarifying.
You talked about the high commissioner's position that it may be appropriate to prepare a list of safe countries. That's true; he came and told us that last week. What he especially told us is that that list could be used for procedural purposes, but definitely not to reduce the rights and privileges of people from countries appearing on the list. My colleague Ms. Chow asked the question, I asked it in turn, and the High Commissioner clearly said it in his statement. So we should back off a bit when we try to give this act the moral approval of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. This bill doesn't just create a list—the principle of which the High Commissioner supports—but it also provides that the people affected by the list have fewer rights than those who are not. There's quite a gap between the two.
A second remark somewhat surprised me: you said that people from countries on the list would enjoy the same protection as that currently provided. That's not true. Of course, they don't currently have access to the Refugee Appeal Division, but they nevertheless have the opportunity to file an application on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, just as they have access to the pre-removal risk assessment and to the temporary resident permit, all things to which they will no longer have access under this new act. In addition, they will no longer appear before a board member, with all the independence that entails, but simply before officials. Those people will really experience a decline relative to the treatment currently provided.
That being established, I wanted to ask you somewhat the same question as I asked you the last time, when the minister appeared before us. I asked you why the minister was depriving himself of his right of appeal in the case of nationals from a country appearing on the list. That seems contradictory to me. By putting a country on the list, the minister declares that it is not very likely that the people from that country are real refugees. However, if an official rules that a person from that country is a real refugee, even if it's not very likely, the minister, under the bill, specifically waives that power to appeal.
Why is this contradiction in the bill?