Thank you.
I have three questions in three different areas.
We know that hard-working Canadians expect effective, fast, and fair immigration services. The system right now is not fair, is not fast, and is not effective. Let me give you an example.
Recently I was watching the Canadian Olympic hockey game in a bar. I ran into a Canadian surgeon working at the Sick Kids hospital, a wonderful young man. He tells me that he sponsored his wife starting on November 15, 2007. The wife has an MBA, a master's degree from Georgetown, and is totally qualified to work. After 27 months. Anu, the wife, is still waiting for her landed immigrant status. As a result, she can't work, she can't get OHIP, and she is stuck. The Canadian doctor was saying, “I am so fed up with waiting. Why does it take so long for my wife to get landed immigrant status?”
I looked up the Buffalo visa office wait time. It is supposed to be 1.2 years, one year in general, and this one is over two and a half years, almost three years. I then looked up a lot of my constituents from southern China via Hong Kong; the average wait time is four and a half years. I looked up New Delhi. The average wait time is 6.74 years. That's close to 7 years. Nairobi is four years; Islamabad in general is 11 years. My gosh, this is.... In general, these are the wait times.
In this specific case, I'm talking about a family class application. If you are trying to sponsor your father and mother, it takes a long time. I'm really focusing on wait times for family class applicants, not for skilled workers, because I know Bill C-50 and we don't need to revisit that. It is really the family class applicants--the spouses, the parents, and the children--who end up waiting for years and years. I looked at the supplementary estimates (C) and I looked at the main estimates. There is really no initiative, no program, to decrease the wait times.
Last year, you may recall, I asked you about the computer program. Yes, you put in $31 million for a computer program that is supposed to be working this year.
What are we doing? What is your department doing to lower the wait times for family class applicants so that they don't have to wait so long to reunite with their loved ones?