The answer is that the Institute for Canadian Citizenship is a project that was created by Her Excellency the former Governor General Clarkson and Mr. Ralston Saul upon their departure from Rideau Hall. A previous government decided to maintain a convention or practice whereby departing governors general can establish a special project focused on a national issue, in this case citizenship. I know that we included the Institute for Canadian Citizenship as one of the members of the blue ribbon panel to provide input on Discover Canada.
We received submissions from dozens of organizations and individuals, including the institute, on hundreds of issues. I can't recall off the top of my head what they recommended, but I think the remarks of the CIC were that they were very pleased with the outcome of Discover Canada.
As I've said publicly, if they or anyone else would have suggestions for future revisions on the guide, I'd be more than willing to consider those for any future revisions.