I have some recommendations from the Canadian Council for Refugees. I'm not affiliated with them, but they have very good recommendations. I'm not sure if the committee has heard them, but I'll bring them forward.
The recommendations are: having IRB members appointed through a merit-based selection system that is not restricted to civil servants; eliminating the designation of safe countries of origin; allowing claimants more time to prepare for the hearing; and eliminating the bar on claimants making humanitarian and compassionate applications.
Here are some recommendations that I like: accept that refugee determination is difficult, as it is rarely obvious who is a refugee; assess each case on an individual merit basis; invest in high-quality initial decisions and get it right the first time; keep it non-political and have an independent body make all the decisions; keep things simple; put the necessary resources in place to avoid backlogs; and remember that human lives are at stake.
We're on show to the world. We're always leaders on these things. I don't want to be made fun of, for lack of a better word.