I have two quick questions and then Mr. Karygiannis has a question to ask.
We hear all kinds of things about the deliberations. What I am concerned about is a lack of sensitivity that may be due to a lack of knowledge. When you appear for the first time, for humanitarian or compassionate reasons, the same agents are there. They have not all read the Supreme Court case law. There may be people who experienced problems for religious reasons.
You had some of those cases. When an information officer, who represents the system—because this is a type of delegated authority—is issuing a visa—it is sort of the same thing—to an individual they are seeing for the first time, they will already be determining whether that applicant should be a refugee or not. Afterwards, if it does not work out, the case moves on to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. How can you ensure that... Dignity and timing have frequently been mentioned but sensitivity will be very important as well because of political realities.
I have a second question. Let's say the minister makes a statement—because he talks a lot—and he says that it does not make any sense to have a refugee application from someone who is Japanese because Japan is a safe country. I am not asking you to talk about Japan but you understand what I am saying. So if the front line is made up of official agents and one reads in the newspaper that a man coming from a certain country requested refugee status, how will you deal with that? Let's not forget that the minister wants to draw up a list, which I am not in favour of.