Before Mr. Karygiannis asks a question, returning to the IRB business that he's raised, a lawyer could appear as a lawyer. I suppose someone else could appear as an agent, or I assume so; I don't know whether I'm right or not. And then one asks the question: can a member of Parliament act as an agent?
There's always that fine line between someone who represents the government or is a member of Parliament interfering in a quasi- or actual judicial process. There are always the optics of that. I think I know where he's going, but it's a legitimate question, a legitimate area.
There's no question about it that we have to be very careful that politicians don't interfere in a process. But at the same time, they may have gained expertise, and they may be able to advise people. Can they go that extra step and be an agent of someone who's making an application? Or is that deemed to be...?
Have you discussed that? Is that person deemed to be interfering, as a politician?