I hear no nays, so that's that.
It appears we've finished. Mr. Dykstra has asked to speak, and before he does that I want to congratulate the parties. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes on this. It's been quite amazing that we've done this in the few hours we've been here. But I know that hours and hours have been spent, particularly by the critics and the parliamentary secretary. I know I've had very little to do with that.
On behalf of the rest of the committee, I congratulate the critics and you, Mr. Parliamentary Secretary, for the hard work you've done. I expect there's been give and take on all sides, and you've done well. So congratulations.
Before Mr. Dykstra speaks, we still have another week left. I'm assuming we will not sit tomorrow, and I'm going to suggest a subcommittee meeting on Tuesday at 3:30. Unless someone has strong objections, the committee would not meet on Tuesday; we would have a subcommittee meeting on Tuesday at 3:30.
Ms. Chow.