Thank you for the question.
I think I would like to start by coming back to the factors that we have published for selection of a body, and then I'll ask my colleagues, Ms. Harder or Ms. MacNeil, to provide some more specific information around this.
I think I'd just like to note that what we've looked at is competence. So among other factors candidates must demonstrate that the employer will employ individuals with demonstrated knowledge and experience, and that would include practice and ethical conduct, official language status. But I think also when we get into accountability and integrity, which are two of the other competencies that we talked about in our factors, those become as important as well in addressing some of the concerns the member has raised.
Integrity: the development of a code of conduct, the code of ethics, the conflict of interest for immigration consultants has to be clear. Accountability: that they are accountable to their membership, including the democratic election of directors, annual public meetings, external audits, and regular reporting, which I think will help to get at some of the issues you have identified.
The other two factors we are looking at are good governance, which I think once again speaks to some of the issues you have raised, as well as viability. So these plans include ensuring a membership base that will provide for sustainability of the body, and to promote membership candidate entities must be incorporated or capable of incorporating, and what they need to provide to us is demonstrated expertise in financial management and reporting to ensure the same on an ongoing basis.