On June 12 we published in the Canada Gazette the notice of intent to proceed with this process, and we solicited public comments on the considerations that were outlined in the first notice of intent. Having had some time and having looked at the input we received through that process, we then developed the factors—that's what we're calling them—and those became the basis for the subsequent August 28 publication in the Canada Gazette, which dealt with a call for proposals--for lack of a better term--from persons, bodies, and representatives who would feel themselves capable of taking on this role. As my colleague Brenna has said, one of the things we wanted to avoid was a kind of checklist approach, so we wanted bodies and organizations that might come forward to be able to demonstrate how they would meet those five factors and to be able to talk to us about their experience and their own viability to provide the kind of regulatory body that we would anticipate would be required.