Sure. I'm also a member of CMI. It would be silly not to be, because they give us a lot of things for free, or they were free.
In regard to that survey, we participated in a listserv of several hundred professionals who share ideas and solve problems. Unanimously, the individuals came out, and one of the first questions they asked on that survey was whether their identity would be disclosed to the regulator, in terms of the answers to these questions, and the answer was yes.
I personally objected to some of the questions and gave very strenuous answers in opposition to the leading nature of the questions, and I was told at the end that I would be put down as non-responding. Frankly, I wouldn't say this was quite up to Gallup standards. In fact, when they disclosed the results, they inadvertently disclosed the data behind it, and I would leave that with you to say that you would not accept that as a standard in terms of accountability. Frankly, just think about it: we're all members of CMI, we get a lot of things for free, which of course we pay for in our CSIC fees. If you're not a member of CMI you don't get any of it; you have to pay for it yourself. That's why they're almost unanimous in terms of their support.
Then, all of a sudden this year we were told, by the way, it's not free any more. Surprise, surprise. After the million dollars, it's not free, and clearly, we've each paid something like $700 or $800 a year for those services. When they first came out they gave us all these free things. That was in August, September, October 2008, and then remarkably, at the end of October, about two weeks before our annual renewal, we were told that several of those things were now mandatory, that we must have them to continue to practise and to keep our licence. Of course they were all free from CMI, but we had to have them. So your choice was to join CMI or risk losing your membership or pay something like $1,000 to $1,500 in additional fees to buy the resources. And that has continued for the last few years. That's one of the reasons that our association, which was providing some of those things, simply couldn't compete.