I thank the committee for the opportunity to appear today to discuss CBSA's role in relation to Bill C-35.
Since 2006 the CBSA and the RCMP have developed a complementary approach in relation to immigration offences. The CBSA is the lead agency for investigating most offences under IRPA. The RCMP maintains responsibility for immigration offences dealing with organized crime, human smuggling, and national security. The CBSA has lead responsibility for offences related to fraudulent documents, misrepresentation, counselling misrepresentation, and the general offence section within the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
The general offence section applies to individuals who do not comply with various conditions or obligations under the IRPA. Examples include employers who hire foreign nationals without authorization, previously deported persons who return to Canada without authorization, and persons who fail to report to the CBSA officials upon entry into Canada.
Enforcement related to misconduct by consultants is complex and may cross the jurisdiction of various enforcement bodies. Depending on the nature of the consultant's activity, various criminal offences and sanctions exist under the IRPA and the Criminal Code. These would generally be investigated by the CBSA and/or the RCMP. By contrast, review of activity that is either unethical or unprofessional but does not constitute an offence falls under the responsibility of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants.
I will now speak to the IRPA offences most frequently related to consultants. IRPA provides for criminal sanctions to be laid in relation to counselling misrepresentation, section 126; misrepresentation, section 127; counselling to commit an offence, section 131; as well as the general offence provision under section 124.
For example, where it can be proven in court that a consultant counselled the client to provide false information with the hope of increasing the chances that their immigration application would be approved, that consultant could be charged with counselling misrepresentation. The counselling of misrepresentation could be in relation to any immigration application, for example, a temporary resident application, a permanent resident application, a spousal sponsorship, or a refugee claim. This charge could apply to consultants whether or not they are authorized to act as representatives pursuant to the regulations.
The IRPA general offence section would apply in situations where an individual who is not an authorized representative represents a client for a fee. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine up to $50,000, and/or imprisonment for up to two years. Presently the regulation respecting authorized representatives applies only after an immigration application is submitted. This has been problematic, as much of the counselling often occurs prior to the submission of the application. Today, activities of this nature are not regulated by the IRPA, and ghost consultants operating in the pre-application stage cannot be pursued through the courts.
The proposed legislative amendment in Bill C-35 would broaden the legislation to also limit those providing or offering to provide consulting services for a fee in the pre-application stage to persons who are lawyers, notaries in Quebec, and consultants who are in good standing with the governing body. If you're not any of those, then you're a ghost consultant. This would close a current loophole in the legislation and provide the CBSA and its enforcement partners with a further and important enforcement tool.
Obtaining evidence of consultant fraud can be time-consuming and challenging. The applicants are often hesitant to report the counselling offences to the CBSA, as they were either party themselves to the misrepresentation, or have been convinced that even though the representative is not authorized, he or she can assist in ensuring that they receive a positive outcome on their application. As a result, most alleged offences are only brought to our attention after Citizenship and Immigration Canada has rejected the applications. Even then, applicants may not come forward for fear that they be removed from Canada.
Additionally, contracts between clients and unscrupulous consultants are often verbal in nature, and payment is made in cash, leaving little documentary evidence for presentation in court. Further, many consultants operate outside of Canada, where Canadian law cannot be applied. In such cases, investigators will attempt to identify and investigate any Canadian links to the overseas consultant.
Currently, in order to lay summary charges investigators must become aware of an alleged offence, gather all the evidence, and lay charges within six months. In the case of immigration offences and the complexities required to adequately investigate such cases, six months is generally not adequate.
One of the proposed legislative amendments in Bill C-35 would increase the statute of limitations to five years, thereby ensuring that investigators have sufficient time to properly and fully investigate various IRPA offences, refer the file to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, and lay charges before the time period passes.
A second type of fraud with respect to consultants involves situations where an individual accepts fees for services and fails to submit any application to the Government of Canada. Allegations of this nature are best investigated under the fraud provisions of the Criminal Code, and therefore fall primarily to the responsibility of my colleagues at the RCMP, or in municipal or provincial policing agencies.
Finally, there are cases where the alleged activity of the consultant appears unethical or unprofessional but is not a criminal offence, such as charging exorbitant fees, or the provision of poor quality advice. Matters of this nature are not the responsibility of the RCMP or the CBSA, but rather a matter for a designated body, such as the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants.
Under the current system, government officials are limited in their ability to share information regarding allegations of this nature with the designated body. Bill C-35 would authorize government officials to share information with the governing body and ensure that the body has the required information to undertake a review and pursue disciplinary action where appropriate.
Since taking on IRPA enforcement responsibilities, the CBSA has undertaken a large number of investigations related to various offences. The agency, in many cases in conjunction with the RCMP, is currently investigating a number of cases related to immigration consultants. The CBSA anticipates that the legislative amendments contained in Bill C-35 will assist us to continue to build on these efforts and results to date by closing the loophole that currently exists with respect to individuals who provide, or offer to provide, consulting services for a fee at the pre-application stage.
Mr. Chair, in closing, the CBSA recognizes the seriousness of this issue and its importance to maintaining the integrity of the immigration program. The CBSA will continue to work diligently with CIC, the RCMP and other law enforcement partners to address this issue.
Mr. Chair, thank you very much, and I will be pleased to take questions and pass the comments over my colleague at the RCMP.