Thank you very much.
I have looked at your presentation. I wanted to be sure that I properly understood the respective mandates of your two organizations as well as that of the organization that will be responsible for oversight of the profession.
More specifically on this last aspect, there are cases—and you have described them in your documents—of obvious fraud: there are those who take advantage of naive, gullible people in distress and get money from them by promising things they cannot deliver, by lying to them and getting them to lie, etc. Those are the kinds of situations we see on public affairs programs, where money is being extorted from people. It happens in immigration and other circumstances.
However, we have the issue of how the profession is exercised. If this bill were to be passed, one of its provisions would ban people outright from practising the profession, providing advice for a fee, regardless of whether they have the skills to do so or not. So we might end up with consultants who are not accredited by the organization, but who are very competent and do their work well, but who are practising illegally because they are not members of the organization.
To begin with, who will be responsible for identifying those people, and second, who will be responsible for investigating and potentially prosecuting them? Will it be you or the organization that will be created by Bill C-35?