We have a couple of MOs, I guess we would call them, for how these consultants work. There are cases of people knowingly working with corrupt consultants to get expedited access or to get access to Canada that they wouldn't otherwise have. In one case we're investigating, the method of operation is that these people aren't living in Canada, but the crooked consultant is actually providing the necessary appearance of residency in Canada by engaging people to conduct credit card transactions on the individual's credit card. That's one example.
Others we're seeing are done through arranged marriages. In other cases of people being, I guess you could say, ripped off by consultants, a Canadian might travel abroad, put on an information session that is communicated as if it is a requirement to gain entry into Canada, charge an exorbitant amount of money, and provide certification that looks as if it's been CIC approved and would give a person expedited access to the Canadian immigration process.
Those are some of the things we're seeing in our current investigations.