I think it has to be about both, because the regulation of consultants has a dual aspect.
On the one hand, you have the immigration officials, who are struggling with precisely the problems the other witness described. You have people who are unscrupulous and who don't care about presenting false documents. Their only objective is to make money. They have no sense of any obligation or duty to the system and aren't accountable because they operate outside the law. They operate secretly. I mean, if a lawyer presents a false document, at a certain point that's going to come back and the lawyer's going to be disciplined--and that's aside from the whole issue, hopefully, that lawyers act with integrity.
Independently of that, a lawyer would know that consequences are going to flow, so lawyers have to be careful. If consultants are part of a regulatory body, they have to be careful. So there is the issue of the integrity of the system that's involved, and that's why the bill attempts, in some ways, to deal with ghost consultants. Really, I think the reality is that dealing with ghost consultants is something that has to be left to enforcement and the police, because anything short of that is not going to be really effective.
On the other hand, from the point of view of the users, this bill has to be about consumer protection. It has to be about ensuring we get a regulatory body that serves a dual function, one of ensuring the integrity of the people who operate as consultants, but also one of ensuring integrity vis-à-vis the client, the person who is the user.
There has to be an element of consumer protection, so we have to ensure that the regulatory body, the people who are the consultants, are acting in the public interest, on the one hand--that's the issue that concerns CBSA--but also in the interests of the users. There's a dual aspect. I don't think there's any contradiction between the two. Obviously when you focus on one, you're interested in certain things, and when you're focusing on the other, you're interested in other things.