Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We'd like to call the meeting to order.
This is the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, meeting number 29, on Wednesday, October 27, 2010. Pursuant to the order of reference of Thursday, September 23, 2010, we are studying Bill C-35, An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
We have a number of guests before us. Some of the guests are on the video conference from Winnipeg.
However, before we start, I'd like to make three announcements. One, Mr. Rafferty and Madame Beaudoin , perhaps, if you could tell Monsieur St-Cyr and Madam Chow that if there are any amendments to this bill, we will be doing clause-by-clause a week today, which is November 3. Amendments must be at the clerk's office, or given to the clerk here, on or before noon on November 2, which is the day before.
There is a notice going out today. You could pass this on to Monsieur St-Cyr and Ms. Chow, although they will get notices: the subcommittee will be meeting on Monday after this meeting, which is at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, November 1, unless there are votes, in which case, I guess, it will be cancelled. Assuming there are no votes, we'll have a subcommittee meeting on Monday.
Also, just so you don't come down here, all meetings next week will be in Centre Block.
Those are my preliminary remarks. I'd like now to introduce to members of the committee our guests, our witnesses.
Before us here is Matrixvisa Inc., immigration law and international recruitment. We have Cobus (Jacobus) Kriek, the director, before us here in the committee room.
We have, by video conference, the Government of Manitoba, it says here on our agenda, and we have two people before us. Fanny Levy is the acting director of the Manitoba provincial nominee program and Dave Dyson is the executive director of the employment standards division with Manitoba Labour and Immigration.
Can the two of you hear me?