Thank you.
Typically, the adoption process is a two-stage process. So there is work that's done at the provincial and territorial levels in order to ascertain if a family is in fact eligible to adopt. So there's that work that goes on. There is also, then, CIC's responsibility for the immigration piece of that, and obviously then later the citizenship status of the child who's adopted.
Right now, I would say probably the biggest challenge is around the readiness of the Haitian government to resume inter-country adoptions. Canada is signatory to two important conventions that define how we operate when it comes to adoptions—the Hague convention and the principle of the best interests of the child. Both of those govern how we move forward on adoptions, particularly in situations where a country's readiness to resume adoption is risky. So at this point, until the Haitian government declares that they're in a readiness state to resume, we are suggesting that no inter-country adoptions take place at this time.