Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The proposal in front of you has a slight flaw, so I am going to move a very similar motion. I will read it. It amends line 10 on page 1 as follows: “Subject to this section, no person shall knowingly represent or advise”--and here I'm inserting three words “directly or indirectly”--“a person for consideration”, etc. Those three words would be sufficient in the clause in this amendment. It's really amending line 10 by adding three words after the word “advise”.
Here is the reason I'm doing this. If you look at my original motion, you'll see that it reads as follows: “shall knowingly represent or advise a person, or engage in any other activity, for direct or indirect”. The intention is the same. It's been pointed out to me that if I say “engage in any other activity”, it could mean anything under the sun, which is not what I intended to do.
Mr. Chair, as you may recall, some of the witnesses said that people who provide recruitment to potential immigrants.... They do a lot of it through looking for jobs for immigrants or looking for schools. These are occasionally the people who are unscrupulous and they end up charging a huge fee. So by tightening this wording, it wouldn't be as broad as “engage in any other activity”.