Let me just talk specifically about citizenship. The wait time seems to have grown fairly dramatically in the last few years. If the department thinks you've been away for more than the allotted period of time—you're supposed to be away within the three years out of five—they give you a questionnaire. Then if the questionnaire doesn't quite work, you go into this whole year and a half of discussion and appeal, whereas if applicants just waited for another three months to submit their citizenship files, they would have completely, 100%, qualified.
Common sense practice would say that if someone gave you a file for someone who is not quite qualified, give it another two months and they will qualify, instead of going through this long, involved process, wasting your time and their time. They then have to wait for a year and a half before this questionnaire is done. This means that by the time they put in the application for citizenship, and then by the time they get it, you're talking about three years. I've seen cases even longer. Do you have practices in place like that, just to smooth some of the process, so the customer service is delivered in a way that is efficient and effective?