This is a good question. We found that one of the reasons bona fide refugees are having to wait for over 20 months to get a hearing at the IRB is that the system is clogged up with so many false claimants. Roughly 60% of those who make claims in Canada are subsequently determined not to be in need of our protection.
This is most clearly the case in the pre-removal risk assessment and humanitarian and compassionate inventories, as we call them. You know, 97% of pre-removal risk assessments are rejected, and it's taking 18 months on average to get such an assessment.
That means someone who might be facing risk, someone in that 3%, has to wait for a year and a half to get a decision on his application, because 97% of the people in the queue don't really face risk but are taking advantage of that legal mechanism to stay in Canada longer. I think that's unfortunate.