The number is 2,650 for the Beijing office, which is actually the highest category. Skilled workers is 2,000. Provincial nominees are 1,500 and that's basically one-third of your quota for the coming year.
When I compare that 2,650 to the Kiev office, it has a quota of 25. It's only 1.6% of the total as opposed to 28.1%. The wait times are seven or eight years as opposed to one to two years.
Do you think that in Kiev, for instance, parents and grandparents have less of a longing to be reunited with their children or grandchildren in Canada than those in places like New Delhi? Do parents, grandparents in a place like Nairobi have less of a longing to be reunified with their children and their grandchildren than those from New Delhi and Beijing?
How do we arrive at a number that is 1,000 times higher in one place than another, and where it is basically one-third of all the immigrants--the highest category, in Beijing--higher than the skilled worker class or the provincial nominee class?