I'd probably focus more on process efficiencies and therefore better use of tax dollars than directly reducing processing times--although it should, of course, over time achieve that as well.
It is early days. We're learning all of its capacities. It has many wonderful capacities that will also help us detect fraud, triage cases better, have better background information on applicants and companies and inviters and schools and so forth that will help us do our work more intelligently. It also has the ability to process applications in a very streamlined way, if you have very similar applications. For example, if you have a group of 37 entertainers going to a big event, it would enable you to put the same file note in each of the 37 files and make an exception to one of them, if you want to, rather than opening 37 separate files and putting in the same note and issuing the visa 37 individual times.
So it has a number of capacities, and I certainly think over time it will enable us to use tax dollars more efficiently and indirectly to reduce processing times, particularly, I hope, on the temporary resident side of things.