My deputy is saying it's the department's fault.
Mr. Chairman, in June of this year I announced that we were bringing in new ministerial instructions to cap intake under the federal skilled worker program to 20,000 new applications a year. I also announced that we would be adding approximately 10,000 additional federal skilled workers because we had received additional money from the budget in 2008 to process more skilled workers—to draw down on the backlog as part of our action plan for faster immigration. So that accounts for this year's discretionary uptick in the number of federal skilled workers that we decided to admit.
You see, this was the thing about the settlement funding. Settlement funding previously was based on 2005 numbers, not current numbers. Now at least it will be based on a rolling average of three years of admissions, so there will be a closer correlation to the number of newcomers arriving and the allocation of settlement funding under the new formula.