There are a number of things available, and we're continuing to work on providing more support. In some countries, there are already programs that the Canadian government is providing through service providers.
One of the key things we're doing presently is at the foreign credentials referral office, which is all about setting up more information for prospective immigrants who have decided they want to come to Canada. So it validates that you really do want to come and that you're going to be able to work and what qualifications of yours need to be recognized so you can work in Canada. Then, once you've been accepted to come to Canada, it's about providing the additional support needed.
Right now we've set up this support in India, China, the Philippines, and we're about to do so in London to cover the gulf states. You can get support in these places to prepare for a job search in Canada and to make sure your credentials are recognized. By the time you get to Canada, you're then set and ready to start finding work. So that is starting to roll out.