Let me clarify, because that's not what we said. We said to raise the annual levels prudently over the next five years to approaching 1%, and within that global number to allow temporary foreign workers to apply for citizenship. Obviously if the annual level is, say, 310,000 or 320,000 permanent residents and you allow temporary foreign workers to apply, it's not in addition to that, Mr. Minister. It's within that number. That's just to clarify, if you've been adding the two numbers together.
Mr. Minister, when one keeps in mind that the total annual immigration levels are being kept constant next year, which you've done, but you've raised the number of visas in certain categories, then obviously there must be reductions in others. One witness before this committee said we have to realize that with the target level we've established, immigration is essentially a zero-sum game, and that if we process more in one category we have to process less in another.
In the previous two weeks you announced that annual levels would be kept flat and that next year's target would be 254,000. There would be 10,000 more visas for skilled workers; 10,000 for parents or grandparents; and 1,000 more visas for a special program for PhDs. So if you have increased visas by at least 21,000 in these areas, where will the reductions be?