On slide 7, we've provided you with a copy of the immigration levels plan for 2011. This is what we're working toward this calendar year.
We also talk a bit about the inadmissibility provisions under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, whereby all permanent immigrants are screened for health, criminality, and security. In rare instances, in working with our partners, in particular, CSIS, CBSA, the RCMP, and the Public Health Agency, refusals may result from that screening.
In regard to slide 8, Dawn has already spoken a bit about settlement programming and how we use this model to channel folks towards naturalization and Canadian citizenship. There's a fairly complex network of service delivery here. Under the Canada-Quebec accord, we provide a grant to that province for services to immigrants. With B.C. and Manitoba we enter into a contribution agreement each year, whereby the two provinces also administer settlement services with federal funding. And in the rest of the country we work with the provincial governments to varying degrees to deliver services, often through what we call service provider organizations, many of whom have long-standing experience dealing with immigrants and refugees on the ground.