Dawn has already spoken about citizenship, the process for which is outlined on slide 9.
As for slide 10, the multiculturalism program was brought to CIC in a machinery change in 2008. As Dawn mentioned, we really see this as an extension of the immigration continuum, while understanding at the same time how multiculturalism reinforces the notions of citizenship and shared citizenship, which reflect all Canadians and not just immigrants and other newcomers to Canada. Here we are looking at Canada growing increasingly diverse based on current trends. We've given you some statistics and visuals here to represent that. But again, one of the key priorities we are working on within the department is ensuring that the multiculturalism program is responding to the needs of all Canadians and not just the immigrant communities'.
Slide 11 concerns partnerships. I think that's a theme you've picked up through our conversation this morning. Whether it's with our security partners, provinces and territories, HRSDC, Heritage Canada, the private sector, as well as the service provider, non-profit sector, there's very little that we do in isolation where we don't engage, either through necessity or by choice, to ensure improved outcomes in partnerships.