Thank you for that.
There are two groups, the Canadian Council for Refugees and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
With respect to the Canadian Council for Refugees, under a memorandum of understanding, they perform a monitoring function in the immigration holding centres that CBSA administers. They do a series of checks, and they give us annual reports. I can tell you that on balance their reports are favourable, and their recommendations that we receive to make improvements are seriously considered. They form part of discussions with the CCR on a regular basis, and we integrate the recommendations wherever we can into our overall program strategy for improvements.
With respect to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, we have regular meetings with the senior representative in Canada, and likewise with our partners at Foreign Affairs and CIC and CIDA. They, too, have access to persons in detention and are able to report to us their observations, which are always insightful and very helpful for the CBSA in maintaining adherence to international detention standards and upholding our domestic laws.
The relationship with both groups is very valuable, healthy, and continues to be a priority for the agency.