I'll have to try to refresh myself a bit, but I can pretty well recall what my recommendations were. They were that we do have some security problems; we should be checking people more carefully. We should also be looking at communities where there's more of a risk than in other communities to see why there is a risk.
I mentioned briefly that some of the more radicalized members of the Muslim community—and there is no single Muslim community, it's a mix of different communities—are more radicalized than their parents who came here. I think we need to do some research on this to find out why.
People are rather reluctant to do research into what are sometimes considered to be sticky areas where it involves a particular ethnic or religious group. I think we've got to do a lot more of that and understand why we're having these problems.
We have among the largest per capita immigration inflows in the world. We have a very mixed inflow, which is good in many respects, but we are going to accumulate some major problems if we're not careful.